Future Tech Consultants also offers Geotechnical Analysis and Pile/Pre-Construction Surveying through partner companies Geo Tech Consultants, LLC (GTC) and LMW Engineering Group, LLC (LMW).
Geo Tech Consultants, LLC (GTC)
GTC specializes geotechnical investigation and provides special inspection and consultation services relating to geotechnical engineering.
GTC incorporates knowledge, experience and advanced technology into each project. For each site investigation, available geological, soil and historic maps are reviewed to reduce the amount of field exploration required. Field exploration are conducted with a thorough understanding of the planned construction and anticipated subsurface conditions.
GTC is fully equipped to test soil samples and rock cores using the appropriate ASTM test methods. GTC embraces technology as our means to improve quality and efficiency for our clients. GTC maintains current software to perform engineering analysis, and working knowledge in geotechnical engineering.
The Geotechnical Services we offer include:
Subsurface explorations (site investigation)
Boring exploration
Test pit exploration
Soil and Rock review and classification
Subsurface data evaluation
Bearing capacity determination
Settlement analysis
Geotechnical evaluation and report
Earthwork specifications
Piling Design
Special Inspection of site preparation
Special Inspection of pile foundation & drilled pier installation
Special inspection of Underpinning
Special inspection of pier foundations
Special inspection of soil percolation Test
Inspection of storm and sewage drywell installation
Contact Mr. Steve Lin, P.E., directly for Geotechnical services at
LMW Engineering Group, LLC
FTC along with its affiliate company, LMW Engineering is responsible for overseeing all Pile Inspections for FTC. Additional responsibilities include overall management of preconstruction inspections, pile driving inspections, as well as various field testing and monitoring services. LMW’s association with FTC allows us to provide our clients with detailed Preconstruction Survey Reports. This enables our clients to monitor the conditions prior, during and at completion of their projects.
LMW provides all aspects for both structural and civil design:
Structural Engineering
Civil Engineering
Structural Monitoring